Search and filter items
- To search and filter items, please select the folder or project to be searched.
- Select "Standard" search to look for general contents or metadata like name, keywords, scene, shoot date or take.
- You can search and filter items which are directly contained in a folder or you can include all subfolders by checking the checkbox.
- After you have made your settings, click "Search"

Browser - filter and search items
- For a more detailed search use our "Advanced search".
After selecting a category, you can choose a field to be searched. Depending on the field type you are able to select between following logical operators:
Operators Meaning = Equal =~ Contains < Less than <= Less than or equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to include include one of the entered words include all include all of the entered words - You can join multiple requests by selecting "AND" in the drop box to improve your search results